Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Friend me on Yelp!

Ok So I haven't been on her in almost a year but I think its time I start doing something productive instead of just stuffing my face! A lot has gone on over the past year and the last thing I would want is to be seen as a quitter! I am embarking on this journey once again and add a new spice to it, my own recipes! I am just as excited if not more so than I was before! So friend me on Yelp and follow my path through the city. I'm sure there is something I can discover for you that you are dying to try! Oh yeah... and if you are not on Yelp... GET ON IT! Awesome way to explore your neighborhood. Love you all & your foodie is back!

1 comment:

  1. Yelp pages are now starting Buying Yelp reviews to popup for city searches around the nation. According to the header of the website:
